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To avoid deadlocks, we switched from ReadCommittedSnapshot isolation to SnapShot isolation for a SQL Server database at the database level and transaction level in the client code. Now, when two users perform concurrent operations on the database through the client, one of the clients get this error:

“Snapshot isolation transaction aborted due to update conflict. You cannot use snapshot isolation to access table ‘dbo.cust_table’ directly or indirectly in database ‘cust_database’ to update, delete, or insert the row that has been modified or deleted by another transaction. Retry the transaction or change the isolation level for the update/delete statement.”

What can we do to avoid deadlocks and update conflicts at the same time?

(The same code with Oracle database and Oracle client works without any issues with the default Read Committed Snapshot isolation level)

- SusmithaP

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Isolation levels are a rare subject in MySQL literature. The documentation provides a terse description and focuses mainly on locking issues, but does not discuss the semantics of each isolation level. This is not only a problem that affects MySQL documentation but also the SQL standard itself.

Both the lack of documentation and the absence of a deeper description of the expected behavior in the SQL standard make isolation levels a topic that is more assumed than known by database administrators and developers. In this blog post, I aim to help you understand how the default isolation level in MySQL works and show you some surprising facts about it.

But first let’s see how isolation levels are described in the standard: “The transaction isolation level of a SQL-transaction defines the degree to which the operations on SQL-data, or schemas in that SQL-transaction are affected by the effects of and can affect operations on SQL-data or schemas in concurrent SQL-transactions”. To put it in plain words, isolation levels define how concurrent transactions interact while modifying data.

MySQL uses Repeatable-read as the default level. In the standard, this level forbids dirty reads (non committed data) and non repeatable reads (executing the same query twice should return the same values) and allows phantom reads (new rows are visible). But MySQL implements it in a different way. Let’s see how it is implemented with some examples.

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SPV是 “Simplified Payment Verification”(简单支付验证) 的缩写。中本聪论文简要地提及了这一概念,指出:不运行完全节点也可验证支付,用户只需要保存所有的block header就可以了。用户虽然不能自己验证交易,但如果能够从区块链的某处找到相符的交易,他就可以知道网络已经认可了这笔交易,而且得到了网络的多少个确认。




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原文作者:中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)


执行翻译:8btc.com  巴比特 QQagent

[摘要]:本文提出了一种完全通过点对点技术实现的电子现金系统,它使得在线支付能够直接由一方发起并支付给另外一方,中间不需要通过任何的金融机构。虽然数字签名(Digital signatures)部分解决了这个问题,但是如果仍然需要第三方的支持才能防止双重支付(double-spending)的话,那么这种系统也就失去了存在的价值。我们(we)在此提出一种解决方案,使现金系统在点对点的环境下运行,并防止双重支付问题。该网络通过随机散列(hashing)对全部交易加上时间戳(timestamps),将它们合并入一个不断延伸的基于随机散列的工作量证明(proof-of-work)的链条作为交易记录,除非重新完成全部的工作量证明,形成的交易记录将不可更改。最长的链条不仅将作为被观察到的事件序列(sequence)的证明,而且被看做是来自CPU计算能力最大的池(pool)。只要大多数的CPU计算能力都没有打算合作起来对全网进行攻击,那么诚实的节点将会生成最长的、超过攻击者的链条。这个系统本身需要的基础设施非常少。信息尽最大努力在全网传播即可,节点(nodes)可以随时离开和重新加入网络,并将最长的工作量证明链条作为在该节点离线期间发生的交易的证明。

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The UnhandledExceptionFilter function is called when no exception handler is defined to handle the exception that is raised. The function typically passes the exception up to the Ntdll.dll file, which catches and tries to handle it.

In some scenarios in which a memory snapshot of the process exists, you can see that the thread that holds the lock points to a thread that calls the UnhandledExceptionFilter function. In those cases, you can follow the steps in this article to identify the DLL that caused the exception.

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