God's in his heaven.
All's right with the world.





于是我们不得不对我们的服务器进行扩展,加入更多的机器来分担性能上的问题,以及来解决单点故障问题。 通常,我们会通过两种手段来扩展我们的数据服务:

1)数据分区:就是把数据分块放在不同的服务器上(如:uid % 16,一致性哈希等)。


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  1. 小块内存单独分配,大块内存有系统自动分配.(nginx和stl就是使用这种方法)
  2. 伙伴算法.
  3. slab算法.
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Image by : opensource.com

We are celebrating the SELinux 10th year anversary this year. Hard to believe it. SELinux was first introduced in Fedora Core 3 and later in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. For those who have never used SELinux, or would like an explanation…

SElinux is a labeling system. Every process has a label. Every file/directory object in the operating system has a label. Even network ports, devices, and potentially hostnames have labels assigned to them. We write rules to control the access of a process label to an a object label like a file. We call this policy. The kernel enforces the rules. Sometimes this enforcement is called Mandatory Access Control (MAC).

The owner of an object does not have discretion over the security attributes of a object. Standard Linux access control, owner/group + permission flags like rwx, is often called Discretionary Access Control (DAC). SELinux has no concept of UID or ownership of files. Everything is controlled by the labels. Meaning an SELinux system can be setup without an all powerful root process.

Note: _SELinux does not let you side step DAC Controls. SELinux is a parallel enforcement model. An application has to be allowed by BOTH SELinux and DAC to do certain activities. This can lead to confusion for administrators because the process gets Permission Denied. Administrators see Permission Denied means something is wrong with DAC, not SELinux labels.

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我们知道在unix/linux中,正常情况下,子进程是通过父进程创建的,子进程在创建新的进程。子进程的结束和父进程的运行是一个异步过程,即父进程永远无法预测子进程 到底什么时候结束。 当一个 进程完成它的工作终止之后,它的父进程需要调用wait()或者waitpid()系统调用取得子进程的终止状态。



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I am looking at the distribution of physical memory using the RAMMap tool by SysInternals. The distribution (see image below) shows

  1. 7 GB in Free (Zeroed) memory list
  2. 2 GB in Working Set list
  3. 550 MB in Standby list
  4. 125 MB in Modified list

I understand that when a process requires memory, Windows searches for memory in the lists in the order Free (Zeroed) -> Standby -> Modified. Hence, as long as we have Free page frames, everything should either be in the Working Set list or Free list.

  1. Is this assumption right?
  2. If so, why do we see 125 MB of pages in the Modified list?
  3. In general, when does Windows decide to pull out pages from Working set list to Modified/Standby list even when there is Free memory left?

I am using Windows 7, with 4.0 GB of installed RAM, 3.5 GB being usable.

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Generally speaking, in lock-free programming, there are two ways in which threads can manipulate shared memory: They can compete with each other for a resource, or they can pass information co-operatively from one thread to another. Acquire and release semantics are crucial for the latter: reliable passing of information between threads. In fact, I would venture to guess that incorrect or missing acquire and release semantics is the #1 type of lock-free programming error.

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In Linux, what happens when a program (that possibly has multiple threads) receives a signal, like SIGTERM or SIGHUP?

Which thread intercepts the signal? Can multiple threads get the same signal? Is there a special thread dedicated entirely to handling signals? If not, what happens inside the thread that is to handle the signal? How does the execution resume after the signal handler routine finishes?

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